ISO Specifications And Its Importance

This article is written in the context of Digital SLR (single lens reflex), which are combing the market like crazy nowadays.

ISO stands for International Standards Organization, which refers to how touchy to light the camera sensor is for a Digital SLR.

Quite a number of new photographers do not really understand the relationship between ISO, aperture and shutter speed settings that determines the exposure of the photograph. It is important to understand what ISO is as it affects the outcome of your picture as well as its quality.

We are fortunate that SLR has gone digital and thus adjusting the ISO setting can be done by simply pressing a few buttons. Could you visulize the good old days where films are used? You need to replace the roll of films and you may need to carry a few rolls with mlb중계 you when traveling.

The typical range of ISO are 50, 100, 400 and up to 1600 or beyond for newer DSLR models. Simply, a low ISO setting is desired to achieve good image quality while a high ISO setting would most likely produce grainy image with loss of details due to noise produced by the camera due to distortion caused by “over-amplification”. It...

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